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√100以上 rio de janeiro 2014 world cup 342027

For Rio de Janeiro & Brazil We bring you the most current and relevant 14 World Cup news articles each day Additionally, we provide summaries and links to articles covering the most important soccer news leading up to the championship match that will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on July 13th, 14 The final week of our fivemonth South American Adventure was spent in Rio de Janeiro, one of the most colourful, fascinating, and enticing cities I've yet discovered We were there over the weekend of the World Cup Final Rio's normal party atmosphere was overwhelmingly amplified by the football fans who had gathered in their hundreds of thousands to watch the game Prior to the 13 FIFA Confederations Cup™, which served as a precursor to the 14 FIFA World Cup™, mass violent protests involving over 5000 residents in Rio de Janeiro tainted the host country's reputation (Barchfield, 13) As a result, safety and security concerns were heightened in the lead up to the 14 FIFA World