
検索キーワード「guillaume de machaut compositions」に一致する投稿を表示しています

Guillaume de machaut is well known for what musical achievement 282132-Guillaume de machaut is well known for what musical achievement

Few medieval artists lend themselves so well to a vie romancée as Guillaume de Machaut He offered plentiful materials for it in his narrative poems, in which A French Poet He was a composer and a french poet He is regarded by many musicologists as the greatest and most important composer of the 14th century He was from Cipriano de Rore, a native of Ronse, embodies with his music the multifacetedness and cosmopolitan influence of the FrancoFlemish epoch His significance in music Poetry Art And Music In Guillaume De Machaut S Earliest Manuscript Bnf Fr 1586 Guillaume de machaut is well known for what musical achievement